Playlist Comping
- Under Preferences, go to the operations tab of the setup menu. Select: automatically create a new playlist when loop recording, latch record enable buttons, link record and play faders.
- After creating and naming a new track for loop record pass, enable loop record via operations, loop record or use the shortcut option, 'option L.'
- Highlight a section to define the loop recording area.
- Add a bit of pre-roll if need be.
- Record takes!
- You can then select the 'playlists' tab and bring up all the takes.
- 'Promote' the best takes up to the top enabled track by selecting the area wanted, and pressing the arrow button on the left hand side of each track.
There are 3 main types of multiply compression uses: Serial, Parallel, and Two Stage.
- Used as a technique to achieve a 'fatter' drum sound, while preserving the natural attack of the drums.
- You could approach this technique by duplicating tracks and adding compression, but it's a lot easier by using busses.
- Start by creating a new stereo bus send, to a stereo aux track (summed drums)
- Create a second stereo aux track that has the same input as the previous aux track. Add a compressor to this track and adjust settings to taste.
- This second compressed track should be used to act as 'glue.' Creating a stronger image of the drums. Bring fader up to an appropriate level. It can also be useful to put this aux mix panned center to create a punchier and more full presence.
- Serial compression is essentially two or more compressors in a row.
- It is typically applied to run lower ratios to achieve more compression with less of the negative sounding effects that one compressor using high setting might contain.
- To start, set the first compressor to a 6:1 ratio, fast release (aggressive), a high threshold and little gain. Set the second compressor to a 3:1 ratio, normal release (smooth), a lower threshold and have this compressor handle all the make up gain.
Two Stage
- Start by taking the original signal and splitting it into two sends.
- The first signal bus goes to compressor 1. The second signal bus heads to compressor 2.
- Finally, send the compressor 1 channel to the compressor 2 channel.
- Adjust both section to taste. Remember that Compressor 2 channel now has the master output of the signal.
- Something to remember: send the source using the audio output path for compressor 1 and the sends section to send the signal to compressor 2.
Extra things that I learned...
- In the I/O section of protools, you can name the busses (verb, compression, headphones). This is useful for being able to visually follow a signal path.
- Plug-ins should be placed in the following order when working with kick/snare/toms: EQ, Compression, Gate.
- Plug-ins should be placed in the following order when working with gated verb: verb, EQ, compression, gate.
- Don't mix through a master fader!
- Making individual Kick and snare aux sums can be done even before going to the drum sum. Use serial compression: have a compressor on the actual kick channel, then put a second compressor on the kick sum channel.
- On the drum sum, you can place an EQ plug-in and boost the lows and highs to bring about more 'simmer' and more 'umph.'
Hot Keys!
- Change between active playlist track - control, P or Control, ;
- Promoting Playlist Section - control, option, V
- New Track Menu Options - control, command, up, down, left, right
- Toggle 'shuffle, spot, slip, grid' - tilda key
- Solo a track - shift, S
- Enable/Disable track - control, command, click
- Consolidate - shift, option, 3 (name the track afterwards so you know what it is)
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